Vocational Training and Production Centre

Children in need of care and protection

Reach Shillong Ministries encounters in its daily engagement with children, those who are in distressed situations and are in need of care and protection. Distressed situations that children often experience lack of support towards their education, lack of proper food and shelter, no adult supervision during the day, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, working as labourers etc. These situations make children vulnerable to more abuse, drug addiction, sexual exploitation etc. Such children are reported to the Child Welfare Committee of the district and subsequently the decision for temporary shelter or institutionalization is made in the best interest of the child.

To respond to this need, Reach Shillong Ministries have the following projects to cater to such children:

Lawei Baphyrnai Specialized Adoption Agency

In order to facilitate the placement of orphan, abandoned and surrendered children for adoption, the J J Act empowers the State Government to recognize one or more of its child care institutions or voluntary organizations in each District as Specialized Adoption Agency (SAA) for placing children in in-country adoption. RSM has been recognized by the

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Lawei Baphyrnai Children’s Home (Boys and Girls)

Lawei Baphyrnai Children’s Home for Boys was established on 19th July, 2008, located at Nongrah, Nongpdeng, Block – D with a capacity of 20 beds, for boys ages from 4-18 years, with 6 full-time staff members. and Girls Home established on 1st October, 2013, located at Mawklot, with a capacity of 10 beds, for girls

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